Monday, September 21, 2009

9/21/2009 a few local treats

This week I made a gingered squash soup with anadama bread from jenny's bread at the farmers market.We also had steamers dug by Joe.The funny looking vegetable is Brazilian eggplant.The skin was tough and the eggplant was on the bitter side.Looked better than it tasted.Finally a good batch of mozzarella and I smoked it after it dried on the counter for a while. I found these great smoke cones at Aubochon hardware that you can cold smoke with.I haven't tasted it yet but it smelled good. I made 4 pints of kosher dills from the garden and froze some tomatoes that i blanched peeled and seeded. I also made some new pickles.The ones like you get with deli sandwiches that are still white inside, my favorite.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have lots of those yellow eggplant, and I'd have to agree on the taste. Much prettier than they look. I've been playing around trying to find a good preparation for them - I'll let you know if I find something!

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